The master’s degree program generally lasts for one and a half to two years. Australian universities have established different courses and engaged in extensive research in the college according to various occupations and needs, and provide bachelor degrees, postgraduate diplomas, postgraduate degrees and doctoral degrees.
Applicants usually must have completed a three-year bachelor’s degree. The course content is professional study. Most of them must submit a short paper before graduation. This course usually takes two years to complete.
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department of education, skills and employment
The Department of Education, Skills and Employment works to ensure Australians can experience the wellbeing and economic benefits that quality education, skills and employment provide.

Explore visa options for studying in Australia
Australia offers a streamlined process for the Student Visa. There are only several requirements you will need to meet for your application to be approved.
group of eight
The Group of Eight is a cluster of eight leading universities in Australia reputed for their quality education and research facilities across the world.